He sat in the snug at Lawler's. This wasn't his usual pub. That was Mulligan's. Every Wednesday he'd taken a pint of Guinness at Mulligan's. This was Wednesday. But today he wanted to be alone. Lawler's was just around the corner where he'd catch the bus to Enniskerry.
Beginning in County Wicklow, Ireland, then moving beyont as far as Canada, this collection of short stories by Frank O'Keefee is a candid take on human foibles. First crush, romance blossoming in a garden centre, a lottery winner's unusual prize: these are clever and fascinating twists on everyday life. O'Keeffe story-telling is refreshing and unique - often hilarious, occassionally irrelevent, frequently heartwarming.
Outside Enniskerry and Beyont: Short stories and other concoctions
SKU: BOK-023