Adversity to Adaptability | redbrickartscentre
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Turn Life's Greatest Challenges into Your Greatest Opportunties


Has adversity beaten you down, time after time? Do you wish you could find your way throguh all the challenges to finally be the best version of yourself?


This book will introduce you to 15 authors who share proven processes you can use to claim your best life. A combination of their strategies and stories, you will learn about how life's greatest challenges were overcome and how you can acheive the life you want. 


Some of these adverstities shared within include kidnapping, murder, relationship breakdown, abandonment, abuse, limiting beliefs, anxiety, and depression. This sometimes raw, always inspirational book will show you that you are not alone in challenges and that there is a path beyond any adversity you may face. 


Written by 15 successful life and business coaches, you will learn about how their biggest challenges became their greatest gifts. You can experience the transformations shared by these authors and understand how adversity can lead to adaptability through the power of coaching, empowering beliefs, and a positive midset. 

Get started today!

Adversity to Adaptability

SKU: BOK-003
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